2017 AAS/DPS Fall Meeting (October 15 & 20, 2017)
Two 2-hour training courses were offered at the AAS/DPS Fall meeting held in Provo, Utah. The courses started with a 30-minute lecture with slides introducing key terms for working with the PDS4 standard. The remaining hour and a half was a guided exercise for participants to work with a simple PDS4 Bundle by building up labels with the provided sample data. All materials were given to the participants on pre-prepared PDS-branded USB thumb drives and can be downloaded as a single .tar file.
Introduction Lecture Slides providing an introduction to basic terminology for PDS4.
Bundle Training Exercise
All files associated with the Bundle Exercise - including sample science files and a worksheet to guide the participant through the exercise.
Science Files
PDS4 Label Templates
Partially edited PDS4 Label Templates to use with the Exercise.
- Bundle Label Template
- Collection Label Template
- Document Label Template
- Table Delimited Label Template
Completed Example
Download a completed bundle using real-world data (Mars Science Laboratory's Entry, Descent, and Landing Data) as a .tar file.