3rd Planetary Data Workshop (June 14, 2017)
In association with the 3rd Planetary Data Workshop, a PDS4 training session occurred on June 14, 2017. Topics included an introduction to PDS4 concepts, vocabulary and hands-on training on how to design a bundle and collections along with development of basic product labels for simple table and image files. Experienced PDS staff members were on hand to answer questions and offer help as needed.
PDS4 Overview Resources
- PDS4 Overview and Status
- The PDS4 Information Model
- PDS4: Realizing the Benefits
- Strategy for Writing a Good Data Management Plan for a ROSES Proposal
- A Systems Engineering Approach to Planetary Data Archive Development
- Archiving with PDS Atmospheres: Educational Labeling System for Atmospheres
- PDS Label Assistant for Interactive Design (PLAID): Simplifying PDS4 Label Template Building
- PDS4 Tool Development: Leveraging the PDS4 Information Model
- Getting a Handle on PDS4 Labels